Elder Augustus Olle (March 19, 1902 - August 7, 1977)
Mr. E. A. Olle (portrait on the right), third of four children, was born on March 19, 1902, in Dewitt County, Texas. On October 19, 1922, Mr. E. A. Olle married Josephine Petrosky. A job at Petrosky Blacksmith Shop in 1932 brought the Olle family to Alief. Soon thereafter, Mr. E. A. Olle began working for Harris Country Road Maintenance Division until his retirement in 1967.
After retirement in 1967, to keep from being idle, he accepted a job with Alief ISD. His jobs varied from operating heavy equipment to leveling school grounds to handling the mail of all the Alief schools.
In addition to his employment, Mr. E. A. Olle served the community as a member of the school board (1936-1940) and as a Volunteer Fire Chief for fourteen years.
His wife, Josephine, took her first job in 1965, working in the cafeteria at Youens Elementary School. She retired from Hastings High School in 1990.
The School Board named the school after E. A. Olle because of his long and dedicated service to the Alief schools and community.
Mrs. Josephine Olle passed away in 2000 and Mr. E. A. Olle passed away in 1977.
Principals of Olle Middle School
Dr. Robert Schmacher (1974-1980)
Dr. Marilyn Meell (1980-1984)
Linda Sheehan (1984-1992)
Patricia Paquin (1992-1995)
McMorris Mitchell (1995-1999)
Bernadean Dixon (1999-2003)
Dr. Jacquelyn Armwood (2003-2007)
Cassandra Dyson (2007-2011)
Nelda Billescas (2011-2021)
Matthew Skiles (2021-2024)
Dr. Colina Poullard (2024-present)
Olle Middle School Teachers Of The Year
1991: Gaye Lynn Talley
2006: Annette Thorpe
1992: Dianne Lee***
2007: Jeannie Miles
1993: Nancy Loupe
2008: ViLisa Terry
1994: Jennifer Faulkner
2009: Roderick Graves
1995: Delphine Hadley Fontenot*
2010: Veronica L. Banks
1996: Jack D. Bell
2011: Natasha Burton
1997: Maria del Carmen Neel*
2012: Robert Christian
1998: George Tennison**
2013: Sandra Rapp
1999: Cheryl Calame*
2014: Royce Thibodeaux
2000: Anna M. Etuk
2015: Shawanda Spurlock
2001: Cleo Wadley
2016: Leah Friar
2002: Janice Henderson
2017: Troy Thomas
2003: Mary Matthews
2018: Dr. Christopher Lacy*
2004: Linda Scroggins
2019: Amelia Cote**
2005: Thomas W. Graham, Jr.
2020: Raymond Mason
2021: Heather Lafon
2022: Samson Varughese
2023: Demetris Montgomery
2024: Antonio Bravo
* Finalist for Alief ISD Secondary Teacher of the Year
** Alief ISD Secondary Teacher of the Year
*** Alief ISD and Region IV Teacher of the Year
Unfortunately, we do not have records for Olle Teachers of the Year prior to 1991. We would greatly appreciate information regarding previous Teachers of the Year.
In addition to the above Teacher of the Year awards, the following teachers received awards for their involvement in STEM.
2017: Samyka Leaston, CITGO Educator of the Year
2018: Tanya Onwuchuruba, CITGO Teacher of the Year
2019: Amelia Cote, Alief STEM Teacher of the Year
Olle Middle School Important Dates
Monday, March 4th, 1974
Following spring break, sixth-graders who began the year at Boone Elementary and Smith Elementary report to Olle Middle School.
Sunday, October 27th, 1974
Olle Middle School is dedicated alongside Mr. E. A. Olle and his wife Josephine.
Olle Middle School graduates its first eighth-grade class.
Thursday, June 24, 1982
Olle Middle School is damaged by fire. Normally, repairs would have taken six months, but with hard work and long hours, reconstruction was completed in sixty days.
Olle eighth-grader Nhan Nguyen wins the Houston Chronicle East Texas Spelling Bee and goes on to represent Olle at the National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C.
Olle hosts the very first evening teacher workshop for the newly-created Houston Area Middle School Association (HAMSA).
Olle Counselors Richard Bottorff and Doris Johnson start Teens Assisting Peers (TAP), one of the first middle school peer counseling programs in Texas.
Olle is named a National Exemplary School by the United States Department of Education.
Olle receives a new science wing, along with a remodeled cafeteria that allows food to be prepared on campus for the first time. The industrial technology room is repurposed to become the career technology education room.
Olle receives the Mayor's Education Excellence Award from Mayor Bob Lanier and is designated as a Lamplighter School by the Walter Annenberg Foundation.
Olle Middle School educates its final sixth-grade class. In 2001, these students become the final class to attend Olle for three years.
Under the direction of former Olle assistant principal Dave Stokan, soccer is added as an interscholastic sport at the middle school level.
All three academies (formerly house areas) are gutted and rebuilt so that all classrooms are fully enclosed with walls and doors. Lockers are moved from the main hallways into the academies. Painted graphics are added in the gym, cafeteria, and hallways.
Olle Middle School is recognized by Texas Monthly magazine as a five-star school.
Olle student Sylvana Loc wins the National Junior Forensic League National Championship in original oration.
2005 and 2013
Olle Middle School wins the district Academic Plus championship.
Olle is designated as a recognized campus by the Texas Education Agency.
Olle Middle Schools hosts their first interscholastic speech tournament.
Baseball and softball are added as interscholastic sports at the middle school level.
Saturday, October 25th, 2014
Olle Middle School is Rededicated.
Fall 2014
Olle Middle School creates the STEM Academy. The 7th-grade STEM students will later graduate in 2016 as the first STEM graduation class at Olle.
Olle is designated at a T-STEM School by the Texas Education Agency.
Wednesday, Jan 31, 2018
Olle's gymnasium is dedicated and named the Dwight Mitchell Gymnasium.
September 18, 2018
With the approval of the Alief ISD School Board, Olle STEM Academy becomes CITGO Innovation Academy at Olle Middle School after partnering with CITGO since 2014.
August 2018
Olle receives a second gymnasium.
Portrait of Mr. E. A. Olle

E. A. Olle Middle School building

Quilt presented by long-time Olle Registrar Kathy Ernest at Olle's rededication in 2014