READ 180 Program
What is READ 180?
READ 180 is a multimedia program that is designed to meet the needs of students whose
reading achievement is below grade level. The program blends instruction from the teacher
with innovative computer software that tracks each student's progress and customizes
instruction to meet a student's needs.
What takes place in a READ 180 Classroom?
Each READ 180 class implements a research-based blended learning model. Students
receive direct instruction from the teacher during whole group and small group instruction,
they get the opportunity to practice skills on the computer, and they read independently
in a quiet area of the room.
What skills are developed using READ 180?
READ 180 targets skill development in the following areas:
Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic awareness is developed both in the context of decoding
(word identification) and encoding (spelling)Phonics: Instruction is provided through decoding tips with modeled practice in segmentation,
blending, structural analysis, and correct pronunciationFluency: READ 180 develops fluency through repeated reading in the Software, modeled
reading in the Audiobooks and eReads, structured engagement techniques conducted by the
teacher, and independent readingText Comprehension: Students read text in their proximal zone of development using the
Lexile Framework for ReadingĀ®. Texts are carefully measured for text qualities such as levels of
meaning, structure, knowledge demands, and language clarity. The Software and the rBook
instruction use motivating videos to help students build mental models that promote text comprehensionAcademic Vocabulary: Vocabulary development is supported through explicit instruction in the rBooks as well as the systematic introduction of content-relevant vocabulary in the Software
Spelling: Software presents spelling instruction and practice that is assessment-based and individualized for each student. Spelling errors are addressed with immediate, corrective feedback
Writing: The rBook presents carefully scaffolded instruction on the key types of writing: Argument Essay, Informational/Explanatory, and Narrative. Whole- and Small-Group differentiated writing instruction moves students from teacher-led paragraph and multi-paragraph rBook writing to independent practice in the Writing Zone within the Instructional
READ 180 Entry/Exit Criteria
Students who were not successful on the STAAR reading assessment and are reading
below grade level expectations are screened for READ 180.Students can be exited from the READ 180 program when they achieve grade level
proficiency on the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) and pass the STAAR reading
Grade Level Proficiency (Lexile Performance Bands)
6th Grade: 925-1070
7th Grade: 970-1120
8th Grade: 1010-1185
9th Grade: 1050-1260